■ 高瀬康技術専門職員から
これまでの経歴 (Past career)
After graduatoing from high school, I entered Kyushu Institute of Technology (night main course) from 1989, while working as a technical staff from April 1985.
The following research (1) was carried out during daily work such as providing support for student experiments, improvement of laboratory computer environment, and purchase of goods while attending school.
(1) フェライト・パーライト鋼の疲労強度に関する研究
(1) Research on the fatigue strength of ferrite pearlite steel
In this research, test pieces were manufactured using an NC lathe and heat treatment and experiments were conducted by myself.
As the result, we clarified the influence of ferrite and pearlite structure on the fatigue strength of notched material.
I graduated in 1993, with this theme as my graduation research.
After graduation, I have been involved in the following research (2) to (5). I wrote many papers especially in "Study on stress concentration of test specimens for strength research".
I summarized those results and obtained a doctoral degree in engineering. In addition, this content was serialized in a magazine for engineers as an education course for engineers togrther with Professor
Noda and others, and then published as a book.
(2) 強度研究用試験片の応力集中に関する研究
(3) 複合材料のみかけの弾性定数に関する研究
(4) 複合材料の介在物端部における応力拡大係数に関する研究
(5) 界面き裂を有する異材接合材の強度評価に関する研究
(2) 关于强度用的试样的应力集中的研究
(3) 关于复合材料的表面的弹性常数的研究
(4) 关于复合材料的介入物端部的应力扩大因子的研究
(5) 关于界面裂纹存在时复合材料强度的评价的研究
(2) Research on stress concestration of test specimen for strength research
(3) Research on equivalent elastic constants of composite materials
(4) Research on stress intensity factor at inclusion end of composite material
(5) Evaluation of strength of dissimilar joints with interface cracks
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(6) 「高温環境下における鋼板熱処理用加熱炉中セラミックスローラーの最適構造設計に関する研究」の研究テーマで平成22年度FAIS産学連携研究開発事業の支援を受けました.その成果として,セラミックスリーブ軸接合部における軸スリーブ厚を薄肉化により,張り割れ応力σθを80%以上低減できることを明かにしました.
(7) 「緩み止めと高強度化を兼備した高機能締結体の開発」の研究テーマで独立行政法人科学技術振興機構の支援を受けました.その成果として,①クリアランス(ねじとボルト間のすき間)を経験的な平均値(125μm)として,ピッチ差αを0,5,15μmに変化させて解析し,α=0(通常)に対してαの付加により,最大応力位置が移動し,実験による破断との対応を確認しました.また,②αを一定値以上大きくすることで,ナット脱落寿命が長くなることを確認しました.
(8) 「ピッチ差を有するボルト・ナットによる緩み止め性能と応力集中緩和効果に関する研究」の研究テーマで平成23年度科学研究費(基盤研究(C))に採択され,独立行政法人日本学術振興会の支援を受けました.現在,研究を続けています.
(6) 在|高温环境下钢板热处理用的加热炉中关于陶瓷辊子的合理构造设计的研究|的研究主题,平成22年度受到FAIS产业学校的连带研究开发事业的支援,明确得到了在使陶瓷轴套结合部的套筒厚度肉薄化时,开裂应力σθ 达到了80%的低减。
(7) |防止脱落和高强度化兼备的高机能螺栓的开发|作为主题受到独立行政法人科学技术振兴机构的支援,这一成果①把间隙(螺丝和螺栓的间隙)作为经验的平均值(125μm), 使间距差分别变化为0.5,15μm进行解析,对于a=0(通常)根据a的附加,最大应力位置移动,确认了因实验引起的断裂的对策。另外②使a比一定值以上大的时候,确认了螺母脱落的寿命就会变长。
(8) |因有螺距隙差异(螺丝和螺母)引起的防脱落性能和应力集中缓和效果的研究|的研究主题在平成23年度被科学研究经费(基础研究(c))采用,接受了独立行政法人日本技术振兴会的支援。现在,还在继续研究着。
Also, the following research has been conducted wuth the following external funds (6) to (8).
(6) We received support from 2010 FAIS Industry-Academia Cooperation Research Development Project under the theme of "Study on the optimum structural
design of the ceramic roller in the heating furnace for steel plate heat treatment under high temperature environment".
As a result, it it was clarified that the strain stress σθ can be reduced by 80% or more by thinning the axial sleeve thickness at the ceramic sleeve axial joint.
(7)We received support from the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) on the subject of research on "Development of high-performance fasteners that combine locking and strengthening."
As a result, ① clearance (a gap between screw and bolt) is analyzed by changing the pitch difference α to 0, 5 and 15 μm as empirical average value (125 μm), the addition of α moved the maximum stress position,
and confirmed the correspondence with the fracture by experiment. It was also confirmed that ②increasing the α by a certain value or more would extend the life of the nut.
(8)The research theme "Study on the anti-loosening performance and stress concentration alleviation effect by bolt and nut with pitch difference" was adopted for 2011 Scientific Research Fund (Basic research (C),
and also received financial support from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently, I am continuing my research.
Apart from research, as a part of the engineering department's affairs, we participate in the annual project festival exhibition “Easy craftsmanship workshop” (see figure) and contribute to the region by conveying the fun of making things by hand to children.
We also provide research support for undergraduate students who are doing their graduate thesis and graduate students, and all the work required to accept foreign students and researchers.
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